Here's the sailfin care sheet!!!


These lizards grow up to 3 feet being the largest member of the subfamily Agamidae. Their common name is derived from the extremely large dorsal crest that runs along the nape of the neck and down the length of the back ending on the first quarter of the tail. Colors of this species vary from brown to green with some markings. Males have larger crests then females. Sailfins have long hind limbs with especially lobed digits fringed and enlarged flattened scales.


Sailfins range widely through the East Indies to the Philippines. They also live in Indonesia. Sailfins lizards live in rainforest. They rest or bask on a branch near water and when danger is ahead, they dive into water and runaway from predators.

Cage Setup

The cage setup of this species is very similar to Chinese water dragons except they need bigger cages. An adult should be kept in a 10' X 5' X 5' cage. A large container of water is needed. Branches should be provided. These lizards seem to rub their noses more than any other species. Wire cages must be rubber coated. UVB light is needed for this species. (Look at water dragon care sheet for more info. Just think of bigger cages)


Sailfins eat both meat and veges. A diet of mixed fruits and veges should be offered every or every other day. Some insects, worms, and mice should be fed every other day.


Sailfins are often hard to keep because of their aggressive characteristic. Wild captured sailfins are extremely aggressive or skittish. Sail fins shouldn't be beginners' lizard.

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